Forever Young

It really hit me hard, when my 30th birthday came in July. Harder than anyone of my friends, harder than I ever expected. It's a little bit early for a midlife crisis, isn't it? But--you all know--it was good for me. I read some very interesting books and changed many things in my life. I'm not only losing weight, I'm also working on staying young. The books I'm reading are all from the same author, but on different topics. The first was about vitamins which made me curious, and then one about dieting, that's when it all really started. The last one I read was about being forever young. The good thing is, it's always narrowing down to the same things. So what I'm doing does help me lose weight, but also stay young. The name of the whole way of life is called forever young. There might be some companies with that name, but I don't mean them.

There was a show on German TV called "Diät-Duell" (engl. "diet duel"). There were four teams. One team did Atkins/Low-Carb, one Weight-Watchers, one Brigitte (famous German magazine for women, they have their own diet), and one group did "forever young". They're not really comparable since forever young isn't really a diet. Anyway, the results were amazing. The forever young team lost most of the weight, and their percentage of body fat decreased by nearly twice as much compared to the other groups. So, the forever young team won the duel. And it was a very obvious win.

Team Body Fat Loss Weight Loss
Brigitte Diät 8,8% 70,8 lb
Atkins/Low Carb 8,0% 86,4 lb
Weight Watchers 9,1% 86,6 lb
Forever Young 17,8% 127,5 lb

I never saw the diet duel show, because I can't receive the station, I just heard of the results after two months of duelling, and it showed me I'm doing the right thing ...


I wasn't being able of commenting on a few blogs, so all I could do was changing to beta version... And so I did. Here I am back again!
I am sorry...
Hoffentlich geht's dir ja prima, oder? Für immer jung? Die richtige Absicht zu Weihnachten, würde ich sagen...

Wow, good luck with your program. I've never heard of it, Forever Young. I'd be interested in hearing more. Just hit my 40th! Ugh! Talk about mid-life crisis.

Buddy, I'm very proud on you! I guess I mentioned that before.

We have a TV show similar to that here. It is called "The Biggest Loser." They divide up in teams at the first but then towards the end when it gets down to just a couple they split the teams and it becomes a race against person to person. Good luck with your diet!

You are still a baby Rian! And look no older than 22/23.

Much luck with your mission!
